Boemshotters - Seizoen 2021

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Afdeling Speler naam Team Lidnummer Ranking
3A Boemshotters W3262 2P
3A Boemshotters W3667 4P
3A Boemshotters W3583 4P
3A Boemshotters W3621 4P
3A Boemshotters W2936 4P
3A Boemshotters W3294 4P
3A Boemshotters W2497 1P
3A Boemshotters W3588 4P
3A Boemshotters W3882 4P
3A Boemshotters W3637 P
3A Boemshotters W3773 P
3A Boemshotters W3644 P
3A Boemshotters W3933 P
3A Boemshotters W3835 P
3A Boemshotters W3400 P
3A Boemshotters W3890 P
3A Boemshotters W3772 P
3A Boemshotters W2821 P
3A Boemshotters W3404 P
3A Boemshotters W3282 P
3A Boemshotters W3919 P
3A Boemshotters W3931 P
3A Boemshotters W3594 4P
3A Boemshotters W3817 P
3A Boemshotters W2084 P
3A Boemshotters W2197 P
3A Boemshotters W3745 P
3A Boemshotters W3059 P
3A Boemshotters W2629 P
3A Boemshotters W3643 P
3A Boemshotters W3446 P
3A Boemshotters W2080 P
3A Boemshotters W3940 P
3A Boemshotters W2388 4P
3A Boemshotters W3363 4P
3A Boemshotters W3497 4P
3A Boemshotters W3113 4P


Datum Beker/Competitie Thuis Uit Score
09/09/2021 Beker Beker van WVL Boemshotters The Crocodile 10 - 6
16/09/2021 Beker Beker van WVL The Crocodile Boemshotters 7 - 9
23/09/2021 Competitie 3A Quick Primes Boemshotters 5 - 11
30/09/2021 Competitie 3A Boemshotters The Farmers 12 - 4
07/10/2021 Competitie 3A Sheru's J Boemshotters 7 - 9
14/10/2021 Competitie 3A Boemshotters TVCI Panaderos 10 - 6
21/10/2021 Andere
28/10/2021 Competitie 3A Boemshotters Door Den Hert Gepoept 11 - 5
04/11/2021 Competitie 3A Cafe De Lille Boemshotters 0 - 16
11/11/2021 Competitie 3A Boemshotters De Verdediger 12 - 4
18/11/2021 Competitie 3A De Bokkesjotters Boemshotters 0 - 16
25/11/2021 Beker Beker van WVL The Farmers Boemshotters 9 - 7
02/12/2021 Andere
09/12/2021 Beker Beker van WVL Boemshotters The Farmers 8 - 8
16/12/2021 Competitie 3A Boemshotters The Crocodile 16 - 0
23/12/2021 Andere
30/12/2021 Andere
27/01/2022 Schaal Schaal Boemshotters De Bokkesjotters 16 - 0
03/02/2022 Schaal Schaal De Bokkesjotters Boemshotters 0 - 16
10/02/2022 Schaal Schaal Boemshotters TVCI Panaderos 6 - 10
17/02/2022 Schaal Schaal TVCI Panaderos Boemshotters 1 - 15
24/02/2022 Playoffs Beker van WVL TVCI Panaderos Boemshotters 11 - 7
03/03/2022 Playoffs
10/03/2022 Playoffs Beker van WVL TVC 3de Jeugd Boemshotters 10 - 8
17/03/2022 Playoffs Beker van WVL Boemshotters Door Den Hert Gepoept 15 - 3
24/03/2022 Playoffs
31/03/2022 Playoffs Beker van WVL Salons Notredame Boemshotters 10 - 8
07/04/2022 Schaal Schaal Boemshotters Mascot 7 - 9
14/04/2022 Playoffs
21/04/2022 Playoffs Beker van WVL The Farmers Boemshotters 7 - 11
28/04/2022 Andere
05/05/2022 Playoffs Beker van WVL Sheru's J Boemshotters 6 - 12
12/05/2022 Schaal Schaal Mascot Boemshotters 13 - 3
19/05/2022 Playoffs Beker van WVL Boemshotters Mascot 16 - 2
25/05/2022 Schaal
27/05/2022 Schaal