The Crocodile - Seizoen 2020

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Afdeling Speler naam Team Lidnummer Ranking
3A The Crocodile W1388 4P
3A The Crocodile W3414 1P
3A The Crocodile W2136 3P
3A The Crocodile W1937 4P
3A The Crocodile W3909 4P
3A The Crocodile W3892 4P
3A The Crocodile W3556 4P
3A The Crocodile W3554 3P
3A The Crocodile W3228 3P
3A The Crocodile W2688 4P
3A The Crocodile W2613 4P
3A The Crocodile W2480 4P
3A The Crocodile W1942 4P
3A The Crocodile W1936 4P
3A The Crocodile W1710 4P
3A The Crocodile W1709 4P
3A The Crocodile W3777 4P


Datum Beker/Competitie Thuis Uit Score
03/09/2020 Beker
10/09/2020 Beker Beker van WVL Salons Notredame The Crocodile 0 - 0
11/09/2020 Beker
01/10/2020 Beker Beker van WVL Salons Notredame The Crocodile 0 - 0
08/10/2020 Competitie
15/10/2020 Competitie
22/10/2020 Competitie
29/10/2020 Competitie
05/11/2020 Competitie
12/11/2020 Andere
26/11/2020 Competitie
03/12/2020 Competitie
10/12/2020 Competitie
17/12/2020 Competitie
24/12/2020 Andere
31/12/2020 Andere
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14/01/2021 Competitie
21/01/2021 Schaal
28/01/2021 Competitie
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11/02/2021 Competitie
18/02/2021 Schaal
25/02/2021 Andere
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18/03/2021 Competitie
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